Consular Jurisdiction

Consular Jurisdiction of Germany is devided between the Embassy of Pakistan Berlin and Consultate General of Pakistan Frankfurt on the basis of proximity of German States. Residents of the following states are provided with consular services at the Embassy of Pakistan Berlin.

Consular Services

Bank Details

Please note that the Embassy only accepts bank transfer slip (Überweisung).

Visa, Passport, Attestaion and Renunciation

Fee on account of above services must be deposited in the Commerzbank in the account number 2667897, BLZ 10040000 (IBAN DE26 1004 0000 0266 7897 00, BIC COBADEFFXXX). The original bank transfer slip must be provided with the visa application. 

Consular contact

Phone: +49 (0) 30 212 44 0
Fax: +49 (0) 30 212 44 210

Consular section timings 

Mon-Thu: 0900-1200 hours